Sunday, February 5, 2006

Asking someone out

In a moment of absolute irrationality, I promised myself that I would ask out Mr. Hottie the next time I caught him on campus.

That day came before I was ready for it. “Stay cool, be yourself, be pleasant but not exuberant, and smile.”

Standard procedure for asking someone out would involve a sly and almost underhanded scheme of working the date request naturally into the conversation.

But I scoff at common pleasantries like “What’s up?”, “What’s happening?”, and particularly the over-used “Hello”. Some people even suggest that you should ask the person “How are you?” before pounding them with the date request. These merely interrupt my oh-too-smooth rhythm.

Eyes meet. Smiles are exchanged. As the adrenaline kicks in fully the words are out of my mouth before a proper salutation –

“Yeah, so I was wondering if you wanna go out sometime?”

Forget formalities; let’s just get to the good stuff.

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