Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Take me baby or leave me

10 points to anyone who started singing "Take me for what I am" from Rent upon reading the blog title ..... *golf claps*

Here's a random assortment of things that people generally LOVE or HATE:

-rain storms
-Hillary Clinton
-filling out your 1040 or 1040EZ
-diet beverages
-rice pudding
-Seinfeld episodes
-Rosie O'Donnell
-Backstreet Boys
-people who say "Ciao"
-whoopie cushions
-licking stamps
-sick days from work
-results from the Clinic
-spicy foods
-dropping down low and sweeping the floor with it
-a persistant suitor
-British comedy
-Hooters the restaurant
-hooters the anatomy
-silent letters like the "b" in "lamb"
-root beer
-getting mail
-Tickle Me Elmo
-Taco Bell
-blogs with no real point

1 comment:

brianna said...

10 points to me.

and 10 points to you for a very good list.